Monday, 26 December 2016

Global organics market 

who’s selling, who’s buying?

The sector has been gaining momentum over the past two decades: revenue from sales of organic products has increased almost five fold since 1999, with global sales of organic food and drink reaching US$72 billion in 2013, and the Organic Monitor predicts further growth in coming years.
Currently, Europe and North America generate more than 90 percent of global organics sales, with the US, Germany and France the world’s largest individual markets and Switzerland, Denmark and Luxembourg having the highest per-capita organics consumption. Denmark is the world leader in organics market share, with eight percent.
Australasia, Latin America and Africa have become key producers of organic agricultural crops but their domestic organics markets are comparatively small.
This is set to change in however, as the market for premium organic foods, beverages and nutraceuticals expands among China’s expanding moneyed class. Data on the domestic market for organics in China was included for the first time in the latest FiBL-IFOAM report. It totaled 2.4 billion euros in 2013 and seems likely to grow significantly as well-heeled Chinese consumers become increasingly concerned about food safety and quality.
Demand for organic products, fresh and processed, is also growing across Australia and New Zealand.

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